Story Bytes, Issue #23, March 1998

2 Word Stories

Rasputin's Reluctant Concubine by Glynn Sharpe
Two words, two meanings (at least).

4 Word Stories

Mortality Part I - The Curse by M. Stanley Bubien
Yes, Roy Baty said it best.

Mortality Part II - The Blessing by M. Stanley Bubien
There is no Part III, unless maybe it's somewhere between.

512 Word Stories

Heroic Tragedy by M. Stanley Bubien
A moment of passion could rob the world...

The Other Called Great by M. Stanley Bubien
Greatness, like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder.

1024 Word Stories

The Popsicle by Glynn Sharpe
When you're not paying attention, despair sometimes creeps slowly in.

Story Bytes

