Very Short Stories for the Holidays
Holidays play an important role in all our lives. The very short stories collected here were written both in contemplation and celebration of these holidays.
My Son Handed Them to Me by M. Stanley Bubien What happens when the best laid plans go amiss. 512 Words, published December, 1997
The Rich Man and the Poor Man -- A Parable for Thanksgiving by M. Stanley Bubien Rich or poor, there's at least one gift we can always give. 1024 Words, published November, 1996
Thankful Thing by M. Stanley Bubien What's yours? 1024 Words, Published December, 2000 Christmas
Holiday Computer Shopping Made Easy by M. Stanley Bubien Just a wee bit of holiday silliness... 8 Words, Published Jan/Feb, 2004
Arthur McBride Traditional Folk songs often tell the greatest stories. 512 Words, Published January, 1999
Christmas In Tinsel Town by Carmen Ruggero Could be Christmas almost anywhere. 512 Words, Published December, 2001
The Day After Christmas by M. Stanley Bubien Just how does the Spirit wear off so quickly? 512 Words, published January, 1998
The Carriage by Mimi Carmen Small gifts sometimes carry large repercussions. 1024 Words, published April, 1998
Magic Man by M. Stanley Bubien Magic comes in many forms. 1024 Words, published January, 1998
Scent of Cologne by M. Stanley Bubien Some find the scent attractive, while others... 1024 Words, Published January, 1999
She'll Never Admit by M. Stanley Bubien Apologies, if offered, often need to be accepted. 1024 Words, Published January, 2001 and Jan/Feb, 2004
Great Physician by M. Stanley Bubien How did you decide what you wanted to be when you grew up? 2048 Words, published January, 1998
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